Monday, November 28, 2011

Native Tree Planting at Lansallos

This is s small sample of the many thousands of trees and shrubs which have been planted at Lansallos since our occupancy.  This group  was planted in approximately 1999

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One of a number of plantings at Lansallos, 2009

The first planting on Lansallos was in 1998 when Bruce and friends planted 500 trees and shrubs to try and vegetate the open land.  It was surprising that 500 plants only made a tiny dent in the lack of vegetation on a 40ha (100 acre) block of land.

This planting was followed in the following couple of years by 3 plantings by volunteers of 'Birds Australia' which resulted in a total of about 6,000 new plants.

The planting in progress below was to combat some erosion on Lansallos.

The following article is from the Mudgee Guardian.

click on text to enlarge